

A Path to Growth

Our core business is to make disciples. Through the following avenues, we seek to disciple and nurture members to be equipped to serve.

S.O.A.P. Journalling

S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. As a church, we foster a culture of using S.O.A.P. to help members feed themselves spiritually.

The Alpha Course

Alpha is a safe space to ask questions and have conversations about life, faith and God. The three elements of an Alpha Session are: Connect, Content & Conversation.

First Steps - Personal Basics

Intended to be used in either one-on-one or in small groups to establish the new convert in the basics of the Christian faith.

Second Steps - Primary Foundation

Learn practical handles that will help to lay a strong biblical foundation in a believer’s life.

Baptism cum Membership Class

Baptism candidates are required to attend this class to prepare for water baptism and will be introduced to the Shekinah family’s vision, values and vehicles.